Copernican craters (D > 10km) between ±60° latitude

Shapefile of lunar craters (D > 10km) of Copernican age (<1.1Ga) located between 60°N and 60°S. Copernican craters, which are the youngest lunar craters exhibit high reflectance rays (i.e., "optically immature", with OMAT > 0.22). Their classification and characterization plays a significant role in understanding the meteorite flux in the last 3 billion years. For details see: Ravi, S., P. Mahanti, H. Meyer, M.S. Robinson (2016). On the Usefulness of Optical Maturity for Relative Age Classification of Fresh Craters. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.

When citing this product, use the following reference: Ravi, S., P. Mahanti, H. Meyer, M.S. Robinson (2016). On the Usefulness of Optical Maturity for Relative Age Classification of Fresh Craters. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2016.

Polygon shapefiles are available in the IAU Moon 2000 Geographic Coordinate System in both the -180 to 180 and 0 to 360 longitude domains.

Longitude Domain Product Name

Shapefile Field Descriptions:

  • DIAM_KM: Diameter in kilometers
  • X_COORD: Longitude in Degrees (-180 to 180)
  • Y_COORD: Latitude in Degrees
  • COMMENTS: Description of the crater
  • NAME: Crater name

Copernican Craters (D > 10km) Shapefile