The two Narrow Angle Cameras (NACs) provide high-resolution (0.5 to 2.0 m/pixel) panchromatic images over a combined 5 km swath. Images acquired over many orbits and multiple months can be combined to create mosaics. NAC images acquired under similar lighting conditions (e.g. high sun/low sun) were map-projected using the GLD100 (WAC derived 100 m/pixel DTM) and LOLA derived crossover corrected ephemeris. In some cases images with similar incidence angles and opposite solar azimuth angles (east and west) were used to increase areal coverage. After map projection, the images were shifted in latitude and longitude to minimize offsets in regions of overlap, and the pixel values were scaled to reduce brightness contrasts caused by differences in illumination angles.

Due to the large size of this NAC ROI mosaic, the highest-resolution tiffs and pyramidal tiffs were down-sampled from 0.65 m/px to 0.80 m/px to fit the size constraints of the TIFF format.

When citing this product, use the following reference:

Robinson, M. S., Speyerer, E. J., Boyd, A., Waller, D., Wagner, R. V., & Burns, K. N. (2012). Exploring the Moon with the lunar reconnaissance orbiter camera. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spat. Inf. Sci, 39, B4.

For more information about this and other RDRs, see the RDR Software Interface Specification (SIS) at


The PRODUCT_ID naming convention for LROC NAC ROIs is:

NAC_ROI_xxxxxxxxSSv_AyyyBzzzz[_##M].IMG where

  • NAC_ROI = indicating it's a NAC ROI product
  • xxxxxxx = words specifying the sitename (8 characters)
  • SS = LO for low Sun angle or HI for high Sun angle
  • v = incremental character for distinguishing multiple mosaics with similar lighting of the same region. Letters are used for individual mosaics and numbers are used for composite mosaics composed of mulitiple controlled mosaics.
  • A = projection type (E for equirectangular, P for polar stereographic)
  • yyy = center latitude to the nearest 10th of a degree
  • B = N for northern hemisphere, S for southern hemisphere
  • zzzz = center longitude to the nearest tenth of a degree. The longitude domain for all NAC DTMs is 360 positive east.
  • [_##M] = indicates the pixel scale in meters; used only for supplementary lower resolution products.

Example: NAC_ROI_APOLLO15LOC_E252N0018.IMG is a NAC ROI of the Apollo 15 landing site with low-Sun. C indicates it's the third low-Sun mosaic of the Apollo 15 landing site produced. This mosaic is centered at latitude=25.2N, longitude=1.8E and is in equirectangular projection.

Images used, in order of layering from front to back:
Site Name South Pole Aitken Basin Interior
Center Lat -59.9
Center Lon 200.2
Pixel Scale 0.65 m/px
Image Start Time (UTC) 2009-07-25 19:32:24.137+00
Image Stop Time (UTC) 2011-01-09 12:06:12.533+00
# Images 46
Incidence Low Sun
Minimum Latitude -60.64
Maximum Latitude -59.22
Minimum Longitude 198.90
Maximum Longitude 201.53
Image ID Center Lat Center Lon Incidence Pixel Scale
M120906816L -60.09 200.40 69° 0.60 m/px
M120906816R -60.09 200.58 70° 0.60 m/px
M120913598L -60.11 199.38 69° 0.59 m/px
M120913598R -60.10 199.56 70° 0.59 m/px
M127992028L -59.84 199.97 68° 0.60 m/px
M127992028R -59.85 199.78 68° 0.60 m/px
M127978455L -60.05 201.39 68° 0.60 m/px
M127978455R -60.05 201.21 68° 0.60 m/px
M112639565L -59.78 199.16 67° 0.58 m/px
M112639565R -59.79 198.99 67° 0.58 m/px
M112625986L -59.82 201.29 67° 0.57 m/px
M112625986R -59.82 201.12 67° 0.57 m/px
M105551749L -59.72 200.29 66° 0.52 m/px
M105551749R -59.72 200.45 66° 0.52 m/px
M143304736L -59.83 200.81 64° 0.56 m/px
M143304736R -59.83 200.64 64° 0.56 m/px
M103189611L -60.07 200.07 78° 0.52 m/px
M103189611R -60.07 200.22 78° 0.51 m/px
M130346714L -59.81 200.08 79° 0.59 m/px
M130346714R -59.82 199.90 79° 0.59 m/px
M125630529L -60.08 199.75 62° 0.59 m/px
M125630529R -60.09 199.57 62° 0.59 m/px
M138596121L -60.12 199.03 61° 0.57 m/px
M138596121R -60.12 199.20 61° 0.56 m/px
M138589341L -60.13 200.21 61° 0.56 m/px
M138589341R -60.13 200.38 61° 0.56 m/px
M118545248L -59.76 200.35 81° 0.60 m/px
M118545248R -59.75 200.54 81° 0.60 m/px
M118552031L -59.77 199.99 81° 0.59 m/px
M118552031R -59.77 200.17 81° 0.59 m/px
M140950594L -60.12 200.13 59° 0.57 m/px
M140950594R -60.12 199.96 59° 0.57 m/px
M140943811L -60.13 201.07 59° 0.56 m/px
M140943811R -60.13 200.89 59° 0.56 m/px
M145672738L -58.99 199.42 75° 1.15 m/px
M145672738R -58.99 199.25 75° 1.15 m/px
M145659178L -59.63 201.53 75° 1.13 m/px
M145659178R -59.63 201.36 75° 1.13 m/px
M114988134L -60.02 200.96 79° 1.12 m/px
M114988134R -60.02 200.79 79° 1.11 m/px
M149213998L -59.58 199.53 84° 1.20 m/px
M149213998R -59.58 199.71 84° 1.20 m/px
M114994918L -60.01 199.89 79° 1.13 m/px
M114994918R -60.01 199.72 79° 1.13 m/px
M149207216L -59.56 200.54 84° 1.22 m/px
M149207216R -59.56 200.73 84° 1.22 m/px

Link to browse PNG

South Pole Aitken Basin Interior low-Sun semi-controlled NAC mosaic (A)

Mosaic (0.65 m/px) (click for more information)

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